Support Catholic Education
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Catholic school students are vital to the future of the Church and to building Christ’s kingdom on earth.
Help Keep Catholic Education Alive!

Many children in our diocese do not have access to a quality Catholic education. Families in Venango County and surrounding areas are lucky to have an opportunity to attend St. Stephen.
However, private schools do not receive the funding as public schools. Your one-time or recurring commitment to St. Stephen supports the normal operations of the school. These operations include professional salaries, educational materials, technology support and upgrades, utilities, and routine building maintenance.
A vibrant and growing donation to St. Stephen also helps keep tuition affordable for students and their families.
On-Line Gifts
Setup one time or recurring gifts to support St. Stephen School.
Other Ways to Give
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) allows businesses and individuals to direct their Pennsylvania taxes to our students instead of sending those tax dollars to Harrisburg. It is a simple and easy process that will turn the tax dollars you already owe into scholarships and financial aid for our students. When you sign the pledge form to become an EITC participant, your tax dollars make a difference right here in our community. St. Stephen is dedicated to growing our EITC program with the community’s help so that we can continue serving families that wish to give their children a Catholic education.
For those families and businesses that pay Pennsylvania income taxes and meet program guidelines, we ask that you consider keeping your tax dollars local. By signing the pledge form, the taxes you owe will directly impact our local community and our school by turning those tax dollars into financial aid. The more families we have participating in the program, the better we can assist with financial aid in the coming years.
We have been working closely with RedefinED Advisors LLC and Children’s Tuition Fund, who have helped participants through a simple, one-page pledge form process. For more information, visit If you or anyone you know may be interested in having your taxes benefit St. Stephen School, please reach out by phone to Alyse Maslonik at 814.419.5505 or email Elizabeth Cooke at
Special Events
St. Stephen School has events throughout the year to welcome partners and community members to celebrate what we have to offer, as well as honor the heritage of St. Patrick’s School and Venango Catholic High School.
- Summer Festival during Oil Heritage Week in the St. Stephen School Parking Lot
- Roast Beef Dinner
- St. Stephen School Lottery
- Reverse Raffle
- Annual Heritage Gala in March
- Venango Catholic Community Golf Outing at Wanango Country Club in August
Capital Gifts
In addition to regular operating expenses, St. Stephen School must invest in its buildings, grounds and durable goods to continue fulfilling its mission. Your capital gift is a gift restricted by the donor for specific repairs and upgrades to the school facilities and equipment. Capital gifts provide a valuable complement to the school by providing for exceptional investments. Special donations are being requested to fund the new playground on the St. Stephen Campus.
Memorial Gifts
A memorial gift in memory of loved and admired people who have gone before us is an outstanding way to remember the beloved dead and to help keep Catholic Education alive in our area. Your memorial gift can be an unrestricted gift or a restricted capital gift. To make a memorial gift, please contact us.
Gifts in Kind
St. Stephen School will happily accept gifts of property in service to the school. The fair market value of such gifts is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. The IRS requires appraisal of any gifts in kind with fair market value of $5000 or more. To help arrange a gift in kind, please contact us.
Planned Giving
A planned gift to St. Stephen School helps guarantee that your commitment to Catholic Education will continue far into the future. In addition to helping the school, a planned gift can also help you manage your own affairs. There are many different ways to establish a planned gift to the school including cash gifts, bequeaths, charitable annuities, trusts, life insurance, the transfer of property and real estate as well as others. Consult with your financial and legal advisors to determine the best way to see your partnership with St. Stephen endure while meeting the needs of you and your family. To help arrange a planned gift or to notify St. Stephen School of an existing planned gift, please contact us.
Contact Us
St. Stephen School
214 Reed Street
Oil City, PA 16301